Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Great news@!  I just received this from Janae at Easter Seals Occupational Therapy.  Due to a few cancellations they had some spots open up for the Wiggly Worm OT group starting July 2nd.  This group is being funded by grants and so there is only a $40 supply fee.  I am sure these spots will fill up right away so act fast if you are interested.  Crew did this class and LOVED it.  This is the class that they used to make the OT movie on Sensory Processing Disorder and Autism.



Our next Wiggly Worm Sensory Class is starting on Tuesday July 2nd
We have a few spaces left!

Here is what you will gain in this 8 class series:

-A better understanding of each of the sensory areas and how they function
-Ability to recognize sensory processing issues in your child
-A personalized set of easy and effective strategies you can use at home to make your child's world more sensory friendly place and make your every day life easier



Call 801-946-1860 to register or for more information.

 When: Tuesdays 2:00 to 3:30 pm at The Children's Center June 2 through August 20th

Where: Children's Center 350 S 400 E

The cost is $40.00 for all 8 weeks


Space is limited, so call today!

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